What went well when the participant interacted with your interface? What was clear in your interface? What went poorly when the participant interacted with your interface? What was unclear in your interface?Discuss

screen shots of your interface and link to Figma prototype tested

a summary of the task you asked the participant to perform

a summary of the participant’s feedback. We expect you to only collect qualitative data. You can use the Qualitative data prompts from this resource as a guide (Links to an external site.). We expect you will at least learn about:

Task related feedback:

What went well when the participant performed the task? What was clear in your interface?

What went poorly when the participant performed the task? What was unclear in your interface?

Overall interface related feedback

What went well when the participant interacted with your interface? What was clear in your interface?

What went poorly when the participant interacted with your interface? What was unclear in your interface?

provide a list of issues you identified in the interface and the severity of the issues as explained here (Links to an external site.)

provide a list of at least two changes you would make to the user interface to address the feedback that the participant brought up