Discuss Neoliberalism structural changes at both societal and organisational levels.


It is important to keep your answer focused on the article written by Berry and McDaniels, (2020)when addressing the discussion on the quote mentioned, as it is an essential read for the essay.

The idea is to say to what extent do you agree (or disagree) with Berry and Mcdaniels argument but ensuring that your analysis incorporates the 3 main concepts (but not limited to):

(1) Neoliberalism structural changes at both societal and organisational levels.

(2) The role of Industrial relations, structured antagonism and theories of power.

(3) Contemporary challenges facing Industrial relations in the context of precarity and the implications for individuals, organisations and wider society.

-Conduct independent desk research into literature and empirical cases to strengthen your answer

– Balance the descriptive content with more explanatory arguments and critical thinking

– Use literature and weave in relevant quotes to support and evidence your arguments being made

– Add depth to analysis by developing and explaining the key arguments being made

-Try to paraphrase where possible to better demonstrate your understanding

Potential Structure to use:

Intro:Summarize main themes and arguments that focus on the question in the brief

Main body: ( within the main body use the 3 points mentioned above as subheadings to make the division of arguments clear)

Conclusion: Again, provide a summarization but try to highlight some of the most important points based on the analysis in the main body. Where relevant, make practical suggestions.

Below are a list of readings that you should ‘try’ to use (amongst some of your own literature findings) to answer the discussion question.

1. Post-crisis precarity: Understanding attitudes to work and industrial relations among young people in the UK (Berry and McDaniel 2020) ***IMPORTANT*** This is the article you need to discuss and base your arguments around as indicated earlier.

Additional (Other essential readings to try and make reference to when arguing and discussing the statement):

2. Edwards 2003 IR, Structured antagonism

3. Wood and Lehdonvirta 2019 platform labour and structured antagonism

4, Kalleberg 2009 Precarious work

5. David E. Guest, Human Resource management and industrial relations