Discuss the topic’s application to the current business climate an offer an insight-building summary, recommendations, findings and conclusions.

Using the Case Analysis Paper Rubric listed below for the specific grading criteria, complete the following:

In Weeks 3 & 5, you submitted a Case Analysis Topic Proposal and Outline on an ethical or financial scandal of your choice. This week you
will complete the course project by constructing a paper incorporating your instructor’s feedback.

Complete the course project by constructing a paper based on the research and identification of a recent lawsuit, legal news story, or
article using an Internet or DU Library search centering on a case dealing with an ethical or financial scandal (think violation of
Sarbanes-Oxley). News-feed websites such as MSN or CNN, or search engines such as Yahoo or Google may be useful. Major publications
such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, etc are available through the DU Library. To complete the case analysis, you should
research the assigned topic to provide a measure of information about the topic’s significance to the current business environment. Be
mindful of the scope of your topic addressing the key elements identified in relation to your selected topic.

Your final Case Analysis Topic Paper will contain the following sections:
• Overview/Summary
Should thoroughly address the facts and background of your chosen case or legal dispute and the legal issue (or law) in question.

• Opinion/Legal Analysis
Should demonstrate your critical thinking and analysis of the subject matter as it relates to the legal principles and concepts covered in the
textbook. You should provide an explanation and discussion of the legal principles as they apply to the issue in question.

• Relevance to Business Environment
Should discuss the topic’s application to the current business climate an offer an insight-building summary, recommendations, findings and
conclusions. Feel free to draw on your own professional experience as well.