What is the brand position, and how does the brand communicate this?What is the main message and what marketing communications tools are being utilised in this campaign?Discuss

Apply the following steps in Fill’s(2009) framework in this sequence in your analysis.
– Context Analysis (or situation analysis) for your chosen brand/product/service, including customer details and their consumer buyer behaviour.
– Marketing Communications Objective(s): what are the communication objectives for your chosen campaign? (Recommended use of SMART objectives).
– Marketing Communications Strategy (& position): What is the brand position, and how does the brand communicate this? Please include a perceptual map, plotting your chosen brand vs direct competitors.
– Communications methods: What is the main message and what marketing communications tools are being utilised in this campaign? Please include copies of adverts, public relations, direct mail, sponsorship and the brand social media platforms and website if applicable.
– Scheduling: What are the (rough) timings of the marketing communications campaign? (Use of a Gantt Chart recommended)
– Resources (financial & human resources): Financial resources – refers to the overall cost/budget for the campaign. The human resources refers to details about who designed the campaign (i.e. which advertising or creative/media agency were involved and why were these selected)?
– Control & Evaluation & Feedback: How and when do you think the campaign’s success will be measured and monitored?
Task B: 800 words
Based on your analysis in Part A, recommend how the organization can improve the effectiveness of the campaign. (Please use relevant Marketing theories to justify your suggestions.)
Helpful information
Details about advertising campaigns are available via trade magazine websites (eg. Marketing, Marketing Week, The Drum, PR Week, Campaign, Brand republic etc.)
You should include pictures/copies of the brands marketing/advertising and promotional tools within your report. Please ensure these are referenced.