Discuss on the contemporary Army issue facing the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) program within their organizations.

You will prepare an original PEE on the contemporary Army issue facing the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) program within their organizations. In your essay, explain two recommendations that might improve the effectiveness of your unit’s SHARP. In doing so, use your experience and at least three references to support your proposals. This paper must set forth an argument concerning your experience in this category.

– You will write in a clear and concise manner while using correct grammar, sentences structure, and word usage. You must provide a coherent transition from one topic to the next using the provided rubric as a general guideline. Your essay must be in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced, APA 7th Edition, STUDENT PAPER, NO RUNNING HEADS, NO ABSTRACT, minimum of three pages, and no longer than five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. The purpose of this paper is to allow facilitators to provide learners with feedback on their current writing ability. The PEE is a course requirement, and due NLT the report date for the course. The PEE will be uploaded into Blackboard in Word format.