Discuss one of the many treaties that the US government has broken with Native Americans as well as the outcome. In addition, discuss one of the many treaties that the US government has broken with Native Americans and the creation of trusteeships. (Law and Treaties-Vine Deloria Jr.)

Discuss one of the many treaties that the US government has broken with Native Americans as well as the outcome. In addition, discuss one of the many treaties that the US government has broken with Native Americans and the creation of trusteeships. (Law and Treaties-Vine Deloria Jr.)

How have Asian American men been “feminized’ in the United States? Support your answer with the cases referred to Yen Le Espiritu during pre-World War II, during World War II, and in the contemporary period. (All Men Are Not Created Equal- Yen Le Espiritu)

Using Barajas and Pierce’s study, discuss the importance of the concept “assimilation” (e.g., dominant American culture, values of individualism, and meritocracy) and the experience of successful college age Latinos. Also, discuss the limitations of this concept regarding the research findings. (The Significance of Race and Gender in School Success among Latinas and Latinos in College- Heidi L. Barajas & Jennifer L. Pierce)

Use the following quote to analyze how women are not only victims of (e.g., discuss the case of Bonnie Jouhari, p. 61) but also the creators (e.g., discuss ‘From Stormfront Ladies only’ p.68) of white supremacy media, as depicted by Daniels in chapter five.
“Women are not only the victims of white supremacy online; they are also creators of and participants in white supremacy online” (Daniels, 2009:61). (Cyber Racism-Jessie Daniels)

According to Lopez, how do media images of Black men influence the public lives of the Caribbean men she interviewed? (Race-Gender Experiences and Schooling- Nancy Lopez)

In the article entitled “The Ignominious Origin of Ethnic Pluralism in America” by Stephen Steinberg discuss the four stages of American development and give an example of each one. (The Ignominious Origin of Ethnic Pluralism in America- Stephen Steinberg)

Use the following quotes to analyze the construction of hereditary slavery for Africans in Brooklyn, NY as depicted by Wilder in chapter one.

“They believed Africans to be poorer workers, culturally inferior, and physically offensive. Yet, as the century progressed, the supply of Africans increased while the importation of indentured Christians declined” (pp 10).
” It was not hate but an equally vulgar greed that drove local Christian farmers to enslave Africans” (pp 12).
“…; however, by the end of the century, many Africans were Christians but not free” (pp 15). (A Covenant With Color: Race and Social Power in Brooklyn- C.S. Wilder)

Have you ever experienced (or saw someone) being stereotyped because of your (or his/her) race or ethnicity? How can racial stereotypes harm societies, as well as groups and individuals? (Open Questions, write your experiences if any)