Does Junger romanticize war? Is he a privileged “dude” who, bored with his to-do quotidian suburban life, fetishizes the dangers of war and exalts human violence simply because he never had to experience it? Is he wrong that violence is one of the best ways for us to bond with one another? Are there not many examples in which war and violence does not lead to bonding, but to destruction? Is he a war tourist?

Sebastian Junger’s book Tribe argues that modern capitalist society in the West fails to meet the needs of our tribal selves. For thousands of years our ancestors lived in tight knit social groups and shared a common sense of purpose and sacrifice for the greater good of the group. The author asserts that Western capitalism focuses so heavily on individualism that we now fail to see any common purpose, leading to social fragmentation and an increase in depression and suicide.

Do you agree? What does Junger FAIL to mention? What did the author NOT discuss? What kind of evidence does he use? Does he have a selection bias? If you agree with his argument, what piece of ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE might you bring up to bolster his argument? If you do not agree, what additional evidence might you add to refute his findings?

Junger seems to find many faults with American individualism, but he does not seem to offer many solutions to his complaints. Are there alternative “tribes” he does not consider? Do we not forms tribes using online technology and groups?

Ideas to consider:

How does selection bias influence the author? What evidence does he select to discuss? What evidence might he be leaving out?
The more depth your paper provides, the better. More breadth you cover, the more likely the reader will get confused. I implore you to stay focused: why not choose one or two topics of discussion at most?
Potential topics include but are not limited to: gender and sexuality; PTSD and war; the communal vs. the individual; technology (caution: this is a loaded phrase and needs further definition… in other words: what kind of technology? If you mean smart phones, say it; technically, a pen is technology); national political groups.
Junger has many critiques, but not many solutions. What specific solutions might you suggest?
Suggested (not required) structure:

Paragraph 1 – Start with a two or three sentence summary of the book Tribe. Always include the author and title. A short summary of the book is necessary because you must assume your reader has not read the book. Next, transition to your argument. The easiest way to do this is to say “Although Junger says X, I argue Y.” This is your thesis. You are adding to Junger’s argument. You do not need to completely disagree with him, or you can, but you must always think of a thesis as adding something to the conversation.

Body paragraphs (about 2 to 4) – Include evidence or ideas that Junger does not include. These paragraphs must support your thesis statement. Include quotes and analysis from Tribe and quotes and analysis from your secondary source(s).

Concluding paragraph – Summarize your argument and extend the paper towards possible future discussion.

Topic B:

Talk about trash! At the conclusion of his book, Junger sees litter and trash as a form of cultural decay. Do you agree with him? If so, what are some solutions to trash? Some topics to consider: plastic production and the lack of large-scale recycling (for example: ); ocean and river plastics and initiatives to clean them (such as plastic-fighting drone technology: ; or plastic bag bans in Rwanda, Kenya, and now much of Africa. You may think about trash and litter in the media, or even local clean-up groups.

Topic C:

Does Junger romanticize war? Is he a privileged “dude” who, bored with his to-do quotidian suburban life, fetishizes the dangers of war and exalts human violence simply because he never had to experience it? Is he wrong that violence is one of the best ways for us to bond with one another? Are there not many examples in which war and violence does not lead to bonding, but to destruction? Is he a war tourist?