Reflect on the differences between male and females that were discussed in SC146 and SC246 or research other differences between males and females.

The obvious differences between male and females are in the anatomy of the reproductive system, however, males and females also differ in other ways. Reflect on all the organ systems that you learned between SC146 and SC246 or outside of the class and discuss the questions that follow.

Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.

Reflect on the differences between male and females that were discussed in SC146 and SC246 or research other differences between males and females.
Pick 2 different organ system examples of how males and females differ besides the reproductive anatomy. Try to select examples that are unique from those already described by other classmates.
Explain your 2 examples of differences between males and females and how this difference may influence the anatomy or the physiology of the sex.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Part 2: Peer respone topic was different skeltal systems between male and female. In the response post, include the following:

Explain how this difference between the male and female described by your peer could affect disease processes associated with that organ system.
Give examples of diseases that result from these differences.
Try to select examples that are unique from those already described by other classmates.
Discuss any advantageous reasons to having this difference that your peer described.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citatiofktns and references in APA format.