Compare & Contrast Model Paper the Prodigal Church by Jared Wilson and Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley.

Compare & Contrast Model Paper the Prodigal Church by Jared Wilson and Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley. Instructions:
Develop a brief biblical, theological argument concerning what God’s design for the church gathering is in regard to the arguments presented in both books. Arguments must be developed from Scripture with scriptural citations (i.e., Heb 10:24-25). My goal for this paper is to ensure you understand the arguments and know how to make a basic biblical argument.

Let me give you a suggestion. When you present your view, follow this system.

1. Exegete and explain a biblical passage or group of passages while stating the biblical position.

2. Then, provide citations from other scholars showing how they agree with your conclusion. Commentaries are incredibly helpful here along with other books. (You should use ample sources to support your arguments throughout your paper.)


3. If you want to even go a step further, you can then show how the other side might respond to your position.

4. Answer their objection, and show how, even in light of their objection, your position is stronger and more rooted in Scripture.

One last hint. Use passages that specifically speak to the corporate gathering time of the church and not just the “sending” mission of the church as they go out.