Explain how High Availability will meet the needs of the organization.Draft the proposal using the UAT Project Plan earriple listed.

Using the UAT Project Plan template U.A,T Project Plan Examplexlocxn provide the needed information to ensure completion of rime project, Ensure .:111 requirements listed in the NTW216 UAT Work Order 5 (Click HERE la) are completed.
1. Include explanations of how High Availability will meet the needs of the organization 2. Include any references used 3. Draft the proposal using the UAT Project Plan earriple listed 4. Ensure appropriate screenshots are used for complete documentation 5. Save the file as VAT Project Plan ;Student Name)_(Assignment Number), i.e. UAT Project Plan Benton_tdocx
After completing all of the work order elements for this week, upload the completed lord document.
A complete project paper in the appropriate format (as a .doc/.docx file) describing the choices that you made to the network, The paper- should detail the thought processes on why certain choices and/or changes were made, or why you did not choose a specific component or system.
Project Rubric_90 (1) Criteria complorion of
40.0 pts
30.0 pts
20.0 pts
10.0 pts
0.0 pts