Identify and explain two defence mechanisms that some individuals may be using to cope with the changes which resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.

a) With reference to Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual theory, explain how children’s experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic may influence their personality development. (Do not exceed 2 pages, l.5 spacing). [10 marks]
b) Illustrate with examples, the conflicting roles that the id, ego and superego may play regarding the adherence to COVID-19 protocols. (Do not exceed 1 page, l.5 spacing).
[6 marks]
c) Identify and explain two defence mechanisms that some individuals may be using to cope with the changes which resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. Provide examples to support your answers. (Do not exceed 1 page, l.5 spacing). [6marks]
Question 2
With reference to Piaget’s Moral Development Theory, compare and contrast the behaviours that the children at the Morality of Constraint and Morality of Cooperation stages may exhibit during the COVID-19 Pandemic period. (Do not exceed 2 pages, l.5 spacing). [10 marks]
**Note: Writing Mechanics – 3 marks; APA Referencing and Citation – 2 marks; Paper Structure – 3 marks