What are the main characteristics of life insurance?Discuss

4. What are the main characteristics of life insurance?
5. Mr and Mrs AB planned a trip from Tallinn to Miami (US) via Mianda airport (Sweden). The trip was planned to take place from 1.12.2018 until 2.1.2019. A day before departure they acquired travel insurance from Ergo for full coverage just in case they need medical assistance considering that Mrs AB is six months pregnant and one of their close relatives just had diagnosed influenza. Before departure in Tallinn they have a meal in the airport. When arriving in Ar13144 they both start feeling sick. They do not know if this is just some stomach disorder triggered by recently eaten food or influenza and since the transfer flight is in 5 hours they decide to seek medical assistance before taking the next flight. The speed-test on influenza performed by the medical point at Arista airport turns out positive for Mrs AB and negative for Mr AB. As Mrs AB also has elevated body temperature (which is increasing) which Mr AB has not, the diagnosis is that Mrs AB has influenza and Mr AB some other stomach disorder. They decide to cancel the trip and return to Tallinn not to danger the baby. Ergo refuses any compensations.
Please advise Mrs and .Mr AB. firstly on how to proceed and if it makes sense to sue ERGO. What would be the main arguments of such a claim?