What do you consider less important, not essential, or even detrimental to the good life?Which concepts or questions challenged you the most and why?Discuss

After examining diverse prompts and ways of knowing, through course materials and discussions, what do you conclude to be the three most significant factors in the good life? (relationship and community, hospitality, and freedom) Give evidence (properly cited) for your conclusions from the prompts and other course material.
What do you consider less important, not essential, or even detrimental to the good life?
Which concepts or questions challenged you the most and why? Cite your evidence.
Which specific prompt impacted your understanding of the good life the most and why? Provide
evidence from the prompt itself, such as quotations and specific details.
What ways of knowing did you find most insightful for the big question?
How has questioning the good life impacted your concepts of God, self, and others? Be sure to refer to provide evidence for your thinking.
In your conclusion, discuss at least one aspect of the good life that we did NOT study explicitly. What prompts or experiences (within or outside our class curriculum) has led you to it?