Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of (Pre-eclampsia). Additionally, identify the most useful evidence or resource based upon the analysis. Explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into an evidence-based practice model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis (Use Pre-eclampsia).

Describe a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis, that could benefit from an evidence-based approach (Use Pre-eclampsia). Provide a specific rationale for the importance or benefit of applying an evidence-based approach.
Explain criteria that should be considered when determining credibility of resources such as journal articles and websites. Note one or more ways the criteria could be applied to a specific resource.
Analyze the credibility and relevance of evidence and resources within the context of (Pre-eclampsia). Additionally, identify the most useful evidence or resource based upon the analysis.
Explain the importance of incorporating credible evidence into an evidence-based practice model used to address a quality or safety issue, or a chosen diagnosis (Use Pre-eclampsia). Note specific examples of how the model could help improve the chosen issue or diagnosis.