Examine the subject of Organisational Design from an academic and practitioner perspective, paying particular attention to key theories and current practical thinking.

Introduction: (Approx. 750 words)
Within this section, identify the business you have chosen. You should provide an outline of the structure that you consider to be the most appropriate for that business, with justification of your ideas. You should also briefly discuss how you see the business developing into the future in terms of growth.
Portfolio Section 1: (Approx. 750 words) Organisational design can have an impact on its ability to operate in a changing world.
Your task is to;
Examine the subject of Organisational Design from an academic and practitioner perspective, paying particular attention to key theories and current practical thinking.
Portfolio section 2 (Approx. 750 words) Stakeholders are seen as key players in an organisations ability to remain competitive.
Your task is to; Analyse the importance of Stakeholders with regards to designing sustainable organisations for the future.
Portfolio section 3 (Approx. 750 words) Organisational change can be initiated deliberately by managers, it can evolve slowly within a department, it can be imposed by specific changes in policy or procedures, or it can arise through external pressures. Mullins L.J; Christy G. P 552 Management and pkgagi5aitonal Behaviour. 2016
Your task is to; Critically review two academic models of planned change and transition in support of organisational success and sustainability.
Portfolio section 4 (Approx. 750 words) It is often argued that organisational culture can ‘make or break’ an organisation, especially during times of change and transition.
Your task is to;
Examine the subject of organisational culture and its potential impact on planned change and transition.