Describe a hypothetical evolutionary scenario where natural selection would favor the evolution and persistence of this trait in the human lineage?

There exists a condition where upon finishing a large meal, a fit of sneezing ensues (Teebi and Al-Saleh, 1989). This condition was initially observed in several generations of a family – grandfather, father, uncle, cousins, and male & female siblings – which suggests it has an autosomal dominant pattern of transmission. Recently, another family with this condition has been identified (Bhutta & Maxwell, 2009).
*Note – a dominant trait requires just one dominant allele to be expressed, compared to recessive traits which require two recessive alleles. Also, the trait present in male & female siblings suggests it is an autosomal trait, rather than a sex chromosome-linked trait.
Beyond these reports, the actual gene(s) involved with this trait are unknown. Additionally, no known mechanism can concretely explain this phenomenon, but there are several hypotheses. Using the provided resources and through independent research, answer the following 3 short answer questions and 1 multiple choice question to the best of your ability. There are a total of 10 points possible for this extra credit assignment.

Teebi and Al-Saleh (1989) first described this condition in the medical literature – see article here,  Read their description of this condition and answer the following thought question. In 2-3 sentences, can you describe a hypothetical evolutionary scenario where natural selection would favor the evolution and persistence of this trait in the human lineage?
What ten-letter portmanteau does J.G. Hall (1990) propose for the common name of this trait? What are the two words being combined to form this portmanteau? Lastly, this word is also an acronym, according to Hall, which stands for what?
It’s very unlikely that this condition has an evolutionary advantageous component to it. In 2-3 sentences, what is the more likely explanation for this unusual medical condition? Cite at least one source to support your answer.
Another strange sneezing condition is the photic sneeze reflex, which occurs after an individual looks at a bright, intense light source such as the sun. What clever acronym is the photic sneeze reflex also known by? Highlight your choice.