Would you say that today, residents in the United States have a “strong shared ethnic, linguistic, religious, and/or collective identity”?fkt why or why not?Discuss

In lecture 12, Prof. McKay, defines “nationalism” as “existence of symbols and beliefs which create patterns of strong shared ethnic, linguistic, religious, and/or collective identity.” Nations and nationalism were also discussed by Marks last week in Ch 5: The Gap (pp.148-150). For your response draw on lecture and/or Marks to discuss at least 2 elements of nationalism you see evident in the presidential election in the United States in 2020. These may be the way one or both major political parties try to create a sense of or appeal to American “nationalism” through symbols or beliefs in their appeals, advertisements or speeches. Would you say that today, residents in the United States have a “strong shared ethnic, linguistic, religious, and/or collective identity”?fkt why or why not?