Discuss how they will choose to tell the story (what platform, program, software, or tool)(storytelling software examples. We used TWine for the class So i would probably use that personally)

1st step. Find a news story that is relevant. Could be election, coronavirus, world news, something that is relevant.
Step 2 ) Students will create a hypothetical proposal for a large non-fiction digital narrative media story. The proposal should be 2000 words, double spaced, with images.

The proposal should include ALL OF THE the following elements:

a. the non-fiction story they would like to tell;
b. how they will choose to tell the story (what platform, program, software, or tool)(storytelling software examples. We used TWine for the class So i would probably use that personally);
c. the importance of the story;
d. the timeline for production or any necessary support the student would need;
e. storyboards, sketches, quotes, texts, examples, prototypes of their idea;
f. research, facts, and source material.

Students may think of this proposal as a “pitch”. Students are encouraged to ask themselves: If you were going to pitch a story, how would you do it, and why is it important?