Summarize what architectural improvements, if any, the authors have assumed on top the ResNet-xyz V1 architecture and why

Write a 2 page (excluding pictures) summary of what transfer learning (10 points)
Write a 2 page (excluding pictures) summary of what architectural improvements, if any, the authors have assumed on top the ResNet-xyz V1 architecture and why (20 points)
Write a 4 page (excluding figures) summary of the key points that need to be made so a non-expert can understand the differences between GN, WS and BN. The top 3 comparisons will make it to my class notes with attribution. (30 points)
Write a 2 page (excluding figures) summary of MixUp regularization and how this may help (30 points).
Explain all models that are used in producing performance results (eg RetinaNet) (10 points)