Give your reasons for applying for the Scholarship at the University of ZZZ and state how it best meets your objectives and why you should be awarded for your programme of study(Masters in GIS/Geographic Information Systems) (awards are based on academic merit and financial considerations are not taken into account).

1. Please give your reasons for applying for the Scholarship at the University of ZZZ and state how it best meets your objectives and why you should be awarded for your programme of study(Masters in GIS/Geographic Information Systems) (awards are based on academic merit and financial considerations are not taken into account). (Maximum 2,500 characters including spaces)

2. Are there any relevant circumstances regarding your application that you would like to draw to the attention of the University of ZZZ Scholarships Committee, eg unusual education path, change of study direction (awards are based on academic merit, financial circumstances are not taken into account) (1,250 characters maximum)