How well has there been a reflective discussion on the lessons learned in conducting an interview study? How well has there been a critical discussion of different qualitative data analysis styles? How well has there been a critical discussion of the strengths and limitations of qualitative research?

Assignment Learning Outcomes Assessed Marking Criteria
Part A1 The ability to write an extended abstract reporting on a qualitative interview study. How well has the aim of the study been described and appropriate prior work been discussed to introduce the study? How well has the method been reported to understand what was done? How well has qualitative data been presented and analysed? How well have the results of the study been critically discussed in relation to prior research work?
Part A2 The ability to reflect on decisions made and lessons learned in conducting an interview study.
How well has there been a reflective discussion on the lessons learned in conducting an interview study? How well has there been a critical discussion of different qualitative data analysis styles? How well has there been a critical discussion of the strengths and limitations of qualitative research?