What are the perceptions of both French Generations Y and Z towards Zero Waste and what are the factors that motivate and/or discourage their decision to buy Zero Waste products?Discuss

1.4 Aims and Objectives

With the growing of environmental problems due to the intensive exploitation of our resources by humans, Generation Y and Generation Z cannot overlook such issues that could affect their future. However, while many claims that sustainability is important, only few demonstrate an intention to buy more ethical goods, and actually only a minority do so (Cowe & Williams,

2000). Therefore, it is important to better understand the consumer behaviour of those two generations. Thus, the objective of this research will be to understand the purchasing behaviour of both Generation Y and Z towards Zero Waste products. To achieve it, this research, through a qualitative method, will study the interrelationships that occur between perceptions, subjective expectations, perceived behavioural influence, past buying behaviour, environmental awareness and purchase intent with respect to Zero Waste products. This research will further highlight the divergences between these behaviours and provide some recommendations on how marketing could influence these habits and encourage an increase in the consumption of Zero Waste products.

1.5 Research Questions

As previously stated, the mains research question of this research is “What are the perceptions of both French Generations Y and Z towards Zero Waste and what are the factors that motivate and/or discourage their decision to buy Zero Waste products?”.

Therefore, the following Research Objectives (RO) are to be examined in order to answer the research question:


• RO1: To critically analyse the perceptions of Generation Y and Generation Z in France towards Zero Waste;

• RO2: To determine how these perceptions influence their consumer behaviour;

• RO3: To critically analyse the consumer behavioural differences between French

Generation Y and Generation Z;

• RO4: To provide explanatory findings for organization to effectively communicate on

Zero Waste to approach both generations.