Briefly describe the organization you selected to write on throughout this course, its purpose, and why you chose the organization.

Module one

Business brief: The organization


This assignment is intended to assess your ability to:

• Describe how a company’s human resources are a source of competitive advantage.

• Define the role human resource management plays in driving business success.

• Integrate established human resource management principles into the discussion.

• Write a business report based on 5-step critical thinking decision making model.


According to the Syllabus, meeting all requirements for an assignment will earn you a grade of B. Grade of B indicates expected performance at the graduate level. To achieve a grade of B+ or better, your work should cover all main points of an assignment, demonstrate a clear and concise organized thought process, incorporate various levels of creativity, include additional resources and experiences into the assignment, include a reference list that contains at least 3 to 5 professional or scholarly resources, integrate established human resource management principles, contain no noticeable grammatical, typographical, or spelling errors, and consider the 5-step critical thinking decision making model {identify the problems, obtain information, make predictions, make decisions}.

Note: It is advised that you read all the assignments for this course, so that you understand the areas of the organization that you will explore. Make sure you will have access to the information needed in order to complete these assignments. Keep in mind that in Module 6, you will submit a final paper, Comprehensive Plan, that describes how your selected organization uses its human resources to drive competitive advantage within its business model.

Action Items

1. Identify an organization in USA that you would like to explore throughout this course. This can be the organization in which you work or one with which you are familiar. (Starbucks- Google- Walmart….…….)

2. Write 3-page business brief that includes the following items:

a. Briefly describe the organization you selected to write on throughout this course, its purpose, and why you chose the organization.

b. Describe how your selected organization currently uses its human resources to drive competitive advantage within its business model.

c. Describe the role human resource management plays in driving business success.