What factors would put you off/against signing on to a platform that enabled you to perform gig work? Would you be satisfied getting a fixed fee for a type of task or would you prefer per hour payment? If so why?Discuss

Interview Questions

FOR self-employed gig workers
Would you be willing to complete everyday errands/chores (gig work) for a fee?

Would you perform gig work as your only employment or would it supplement other permanent employment?

How far would you be willing to travel to complete a task?

Are you skilled in any particular type of work which you believe you could charge for?

Name 5 tasks that you could see yourself performing easily?

Name 5 tasks that you would not like to perform?
What factors would put you off/against signing on to a platform that enabled you to perform gig work?

Would you be satisfied getting a fixed fee for a type of task or would you prefer per hour payment? If so why?

What information would you like to confirm about the gig job or the person requiring work done before accepting the job?

Would you only accept gigs at certain times of the week/month/year or in any extra/available time you have?

FOR on demand labour employers
Give 5 examples of errands/chores you have to perform which displease you.

Give 5 examples of everyday or weekly/monthly tasks you would like to outsource regardless of whether you like/dislike or have neutral feelings about performing them.

Would you be satisfied hiring a local gig worker if they had their identity verified as standard or would you want background checks on any worker you use?

What would appeal to you the most about a service which enabled you to hire someone to perform errands/chores for you?

How likely are you to use this type of platform to get work done over the option of choosing a more traditional approach (e.g. hiring someone another way) and why?

Describe factors which would increase or decrease your confidence in using a platform such as this?

Would you prefer to pay a fixed fee per task or hourly rate to the gig worker?

What factors do you feel should be included when setting the fixed fee and why?

After posting a job advert, how long would you be willing to wait for it to be confirmed? What is ideal and what is the maximum?

What concerns would you have about using a platform such as this and what could be done to make you feel more secure and comfortable?