Comparatively analyse the impact of social movements on institutional change in three countries.


The countries chosen in any question must not include: United States or United Kingdom, at least one must be from the non Western world and the institution relevant for the question must be present in all three countries.

Question – Comparatively analyse the impact of social movements on institutional change in three countries

– Define: social movements

– Define: institutional change

– Comparison at one point in time or across time?

Structure for Essay:

– Introduction (300-350)

What is the question, why is it important, what will be done?

– Literature Review (1200-1250)

Define the dependent variable and main independent variables, what does the theory say we should expect to find – keep focus on theory

– Case selection (300-350)

Why the three countries you have chosen, what can we learn from them?

– Analysis (1200-1250)

Present the facts, Do we find what the theory say we should find?

– Conclusion (300-350)

Answer the question presented in the introduction

Please make sure you:

– Answer the question

– Use academic literature mostly – how much literature you ask?

– Support your empirics by sources, again best with academic sources, if you cannot find any, then other material might be needed

– Writing, referencing and bibliography are all correct

Here are some good sources:

1 – Repression and Revolutionary Action: East Germany in 1989

2 – Identity Politics and Politicized Identities: Identity Processes and the Dynamics of Protest

3 – From Social to Political Identity: A Critical Examination of Social Identity Theory

4 – Power in Movement : Social Movements and Contentious Politics