Discuss how does apple handles power and influence ?


Basically the task is divided into two parts!!

1. how does apple handles power and influence ? ->, .41 So therefore you can related to document “Power_and_influence_theory_part.odt” AND Look for articles indicating which kind of power and influence APPLE uses to influence theor followers and employees and make them doing the tasks and ebinf committed and innovative and stuff!

IN THE SECOND PART 4.2 please wirte about bow the individual power and influence tactics in APPLE has contributed to organisational sustainability!!! organisational sustainability is also defined in HEADLINES_FOR_YOUR_WRITING.odt! basically by ogansiaotnal sustianabiltiy is meant is that you show how the influence and power tactics of apple’s leaders helped the organsiaiton to be succesful in long term and to be competetiv! maybe the expert power or collaboration and consulatation influence tactics of the leaders helped the employees to be more innovative, creative thinking and commitment to come with new ideas and contributing to new ideas!!! I HOPE YOU UDNERSTOOD it! if you have questions , pleas write! me