How much information did the parents retain from the time the Hernandez parents started the process until the end?Would you recommend a pre-experimental, experimental, or quasi-experimental design?Discuss

Pre-tests and post-tests are important because it is a good way for the social worker to measure progress and accumulation of knowledge. How much information did the parents retain from the time the Hernandez parents started the process until the end?

Would you recommend a pre-experimental, experimental, or quasi-experimental design?

Would the study involve measurement over time?Yes, the data collected would be over a short time frame.Would there be a control group?Yes. The control group would be the those participating in the parenting class. Even though situations may be different, allpersons in the group should be working for towards the same goal, better parent techniques and skills.In this group research design, you imagine, what or who will be compared?

What limitations in terms of generalizability and internal validity can you anticipate based on the research plan you envision?

What is their comprehension of the materials presented and how much are they willing to change?What can you tell the social worker about the issue of client drop out (also called attrition or experimental mortality)?