What potential, if any, qualitative methods have to contribute in developing significant new knowledge within your area, and your own work, and explaining why

Your task involves exploring why qualitative methods have or have not been used in research within your broad

area of research interest, judging how much potential qualitative methods to contribute in future, including your

own work, and explaining why the reasons for your view. It entails developing a convincing argument,


• How you plan to develop your argument in this assignment

• How thoroughly you have searched for studies in your broad area of research interest that employ qualitative

methods (alone and within mixed designs)

• Whether the use of qualitative methods has contributed significant new knowledge in this area or not,

illustrated by examples of any research using qualitative methods or any evidence that researchers have

considered but rejected such methods

• Why researchers have or have tended not to use qualitative methods, supported by evidence from literature

pointing to the strengths and limitations of qualitative methods, and to evidence of researchers’ ontological

and epistemological assumptions informing their choice of methods

• What potential, if any, qualitative methods have to contribute in developing significant new knowledge within

your area, and your own work, and explaining why