What would be the main expenses and how would you fund them?What is innovative about your project?Discuss

What is the concept of the project? Use clear language. • What broader context does it relate to? (Research and reference!) • What is innovative about your project? 4. Content / Captions • Approx. 500-1000 words • What will the project include? Be specific. Use images with descriptions or extended captions. • Sample images captions for artworks: o Vandy Rattana (b. 1980, Phnom Penh, Cambodia), Preah Vihear, 2008, digital C-print, 60 x 90 cm. Herbert E Johnson Museum of Art. o Jacques-Louis David, The Oath of the Horatii, 1784-5, oil on canvas, 200 x 300 cm. Musee du Louvre, Paris. o Roberto Jacoby and Eduardo Costa, Poema ilustrado, 1966, stool, tape recorder, installation view, Galeria de Radio Municipal, Buenos Aires, 1966. Work destroyed. o Alison Knowles, Make a Salad, 1962, performance, Institute of Contemporary Art, London. o Paul Chan, still from RE• The Operation, 2002, single-channel color video, sound, 27:30 min.
5 Brief budget • What would be the main expenses and how would you fund them?
You may also want to include any of the following: – Details of the project’s output (e.g. catalogue / album / film / website / app etc) – Floorplan with exhibition layout – Logistical issues e.g. transport or installation – Catalogue or brochure text (e.g. 1000 words) – Press release (e.g. 500 words) – Marketing strategy — who is your target audience and how would you reach them? – Education / outreach programming how would you encourage audience engagement?