Discuss the effect of online intervention on statistics anxiety among psychology students.

Proposed Title
(Not exceeding 15 words) Investigating the effect of online intervention on statistics anxiety among psychology students.

Purpose Statement
(approx. 150/200 words)
Wide range of research suggests that statistics anxiety can lead into lower level of performance among psychology students in statistic courses (Nesbit, & Bourne, 2018; Hoegler, & Nelson, 2018, Macher et. al., 2012). Psychology students need to learn a large number of statistics before finishing their degree. Many students might carry negative attitudes, from learning math and statistics in the past which might cause higher level of statistics anxiety in college (Bourne, 2018; Chew, & Dillon, 2014). Living in the days of pandemic, where most of the learning moved online, certainly provided an easier way to investigate the impact of different forms of online intervention.
Main Hypothesis/ Research question (in the case of qualitative research)
(approx. 150 words)
Main aim for this study is to investigate the impact of online intervention on reducing the statistics anxiety in psychology students. Based on the inconsistency in previous studies on gender, age, and statistics anxiety (Benson, et. al., 1994; Baloglu, 2003), and also wider use of different scales, our study included three hypotheses. First hypothesis is that there will be a significant difference in statistics anxiety levels pre- and post-online intervention across the three group conditions. Second hypothesis is that there will be a significant difference in students statistics anxiety levels based on their age and gender. Third hypothesis included the following: Positive affect, openness to experience and perceived stress score will significantly predict lower levels of statistics anxiety following the intervention.