Write in own words
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Below what was described to do in essay
Ricaut, Cox, Lacan et al. (2012) provide an analysis of prehistoric DNA on a Europe-wide scale that reveals aspects of both continuity and change. Your task in this essay is to situate the results of the two aDNA/isotope population analysis articles we critiqued in class (Cassidy, Martiniano, Murphy et al. 2016 – this is solely a DNA) and (Knipper, Mittnik, Masey et al. 2017 – this is both aDNA & isotopes) in the wider European context provided by Ricaut, Cox, Lacan et al. (2012). In other words, how do the more regional studies of Cassidy et al. (Ireland) and Knipper et al. (central Europe) agree with, or contrast with, the wider European patterns provided by Ricaut et al.?