When prepairing for a negotiation, what is essential v. Non-essential?a. Prepare a press release on the negotiation b. Identify the “negotiation set” c. “Assess the other negotiator’s prefrences” d. Find areas for linkages and tradeoffs between your preferences and your counterpart’s. e. Prioritize issues in terms of most to least controversial..Discuss

When prepairing for a negotiation, what is essential v. Non-essential? (Select all essentials)

a. Prepare a press release on the negotiation
b. Identify the “negotiation set”
c. “Assess the other negotiator’s prefrences”
d. Find areas for linkages and tradeoffs between your preferences and your counterpart’s.
e. Prioritize issues in terms of most to least controversial


True or False? The effect of our “cognitive biases”, influences our negotiation behaviour, even if we are aware of them. Select one:



Which of the following techniques to you negotiate towards mutual gain? Select all that apply:

a. Be creative and envisage different options and outcomes.
b. Focus exclusively on the issue under negotiation, not the long-term relationship with the other side.
c. Prioritize your interests.
d. Use objective standards of legitimacy


Deadlock occurs when … (tick all that apply) Select one or more:

a. Two parties focus only on how much of the “negotiation pie” they can get (positional bargaining).
b. All parties focus on brainstorming options rather than positions
c. Opposing parties focus on the pollical implications of potential outcomes and negotiate based on these projections.
d. All parties consider only the positions of other parties


Creativity in negotiations is essential in order to? Select one:

a. “brainstorming” options, which demonstrates flexibility, and increases the pressure on the other party to also be flexible.
b. Imagine many solutions (or options), which increases the chance for a good agreement.
c. Present a sellable story to the other party and public
d. Creativity will garner respect from the other party and more likely lead to their buy-in.


True or False? “Money left on the table” is a consequence of positional bargaining. Select one:



True or False? Conflicting Interests are what parties have to negotiate for while common interests are what parties have to negotiate about. Select one:



Creating a positive-sum or “win-win negotiations” is done through: Select one:

a. Creating Value
b. Take partial responsibility for the issue at hand
c. Asking questions that corner the other party
d. Safe Talk


Match the following types of proposals to their purpose:

A realistic (if not ideal) proposal that all sides should be able to agree to.
A proposal that states the point below which you would not benefit from an agreement any more.
Your first offer.
A proposal that outlines your target and helps you keep focused towards it.

Walk-away proposal
Opening proposal
Best outcome proposal.
Yes-able proposal


True or False? Preparing negotiations should take at least twice as long, as the negotiations themselves. Select one:



Deal-design is an “off the table” negotiation tactic that seeks to: (tick all that apply) Select one or more.

a. Preparing a structure for the implementation of the agreement reached
b. Designing a brainstorming session for all parties
c. Identify common interests and resolve differences in a way that adds value
d. All of the above


True or False? Your opening proposal should be as ambitious as possible and justifiable by objective standards. Select one:



Which “Cognitive biases” are most likely to impact people’s behaviour during negotiations? (tick all that apply) Select one or more:

a. Gender bias
b. The assumption that the negotiation pie is not fixed
c. People cooperate equally well in any context.
d. The fact that we best memorize information heard at the start of a meeting and give disproportionate attention to it.
e. Rational analysis of a situation is more important than escalation.


Why is determining your BATNA important: Select one:

a. You can easily determine your walking-away point.
b. You can measure against it the status of the negotiation or emerging agreement.
c. You understand all positions and interests.
d. You know your bottom line.