Identify the requirements for successful deployment of a new or upgraded telehealth technology, including appropriate training for providers, patients, and the patients' families.

• Describe the purpose and use of the technology.
• Explain the potential risks and benefits of the technology.
• Identify the requirements for successful deployment of the technology, including appropriate training for providers, patients, and the patients' families.
• Discuss patient confidentiality and privacy safeguards associated with the technology.
• Explain how the organization will assess the effectiveness of the technology.
• Describe the type of ongoing training and technical support that will be available to the nursing staff.
• Support assertions and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
• Develop slides that augment your presentation.
• Communicate effectively with staff to support the implementation and use of the technology.
Presentation Format and Length
Remember, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. Please create using pptx
• Your slide deck should consist of 10 slides, including a title slide and a references slide.
• Use the speaker's notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate.
Supporting Evidence
• Cite 5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your presentation.
• List your sources on the references slide at the end of your presentation.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
• Competency 1: Evaluate technologies used to gather patient data; inform diagnoses; and enhance care quality, safety, and outcomes.
• Describe the purpose and use of a new or upgraded telehealth technology.
• Explain the potential risks and benefits of a new or upgraded telehealth technology.
• Competency 2: Develop a collaborative technology integration strategy.
• Identify the requirements for successful deployment of a new or upgraded telehealth technology, including appropriate training for providers, patients, and the patients' families.
• Competency 3: Develop a strategy for managing technology use that enhances patient care and organizational effectiveness.
• Explain how an organization will assess the effectiveness of a new or upgraded telehealth technology.
• Describe the type of ongoing training and technical support that will be available to a nursing staff.
• Competency 4: Promote effective technology use policies that protect patient confidentiality and privacy.
• Address patient confidentiality and privacy safeguards associated with a new or upgraded telehealth technology.
• Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
• Support assertions and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
• Develop slides that augment a multimedia presentation.
• Communicate effectively with staff to support the implementation and use of a new or upgraded telehealth technology.