Explain the different type of herbal interventions and how they work. Explain the difference from biomedical interventions from pharmaceutical interventions. What are benefits and risks of each?

Follow the written assignment guidelines in the syllabus: The focus of nurse-herbalism is the application of plant- based remedies in comfort and care. The medicinal constituents of plants and plant parts (Earth element) are mindfully (Air element) extracted through water (Water element) and heat (Fire element) and applied orally (tea, extract, syrup, soup) or topically (compress, poultice, salve, liniment) or through the environment, such as in a steam or inhalation (Air element). The nurse assesses the patient’s health pattern and chooses herbal applications that will bring greater balance energetically. An example of this nursing process is from first aid. When a person has an acute injury with swelling and heat (inflammation), the nurse routinely chooses to recommend a cold application to ease the heat and contract the swollen area. Ice packs are used to create balance. The same nursing process should be used in nurse-herbalism.

Explain the different type of herbal interventions and how they work. Explain the difference from biomedical interventions from pharmaceutical interventions. What are benefits and risks of each?
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