Discuss the overarching nursing assessment used to identify the patients’ problems on admission.


Description of task:

A 3000 word, patient centred case study focusing on a patient you have cared for in a medical or surgical ward/unit.

The student must:

1) Select a patient they have cared for on a medical or surgical ward/unit/other area.

2) Identify how the patient was admitted to hospital, their presenting complaint and the care pathway they followed.

3) Discuss the overarching nursing assessment used to identify the patients’ problems on admission.

4) Critically analyse one element of care given to the patient during their admission.

5) Ensure the discussion refers to relevant local and national policies and strategies and multi professionals involved in the patients care.

6) Analyse any potential discharge plans that may be required to ensure the patient remains safe when they return home.

The student should remember:

• These are guidance notes and should be used in conjunction with the assessment specification found in your handbook and assessment lecture slides.

• For this assignment you will need to ensure you clearly cover all 4 learning outcomes.

• Do not breach confidentiality of your Trust or the patient.

• Make sure your arguments are underpinned by relevant and contemporary evidence. You will need to read widely around your patients underlying condition demonstrating best practice and an understanding of the care delivered.

• Do not copy the text in this guidance, all work will be assessed for plagiarism.


Introduction: Be clear and concise, briefly state what you are going to cover in your essay and the tools that were used. Make sure you refer to all of the learning outcomes. Also make sure you state that the patients name and personal details have been changed in line with NMC confidentiality guidelines.

Main Body of Essay:

State which nursing assessment tool was used to assess the patient on admission, PLEASE USE THE ROPER ASSESSMENT TOOL . From the nursing assessment pick one element of care the patient required on admission. Critically analyse this element of care, discussing how it was delivered in accordance to local policy/procedures and guidelines

Make sure that you focus on the nursing rather than medical management as this has to be relevant to your sphere of practice. You should also refer to the other professional bodies involved in the patients care in regards to your chosen element. Make sure you use contemporary references to support your arguments and discussion. A minimum number of references for this type of assignment would be 20.

Conclusion: This needs to be a summary of your findings in relation to the nursing care given to your chosen patient for the one element of care you identified. There should be nothing new here and no new references. Please refer to all 4 learning outcomes, as you did in the introduction.