Discuss What is politics and is the study of it scientific?The role (s) of human nature in political analysis

Using at least one of the concepts, theories and approaches discussed in Section One and Section Two of the module, please analyse a political issue, debate, phenomena or event which has been in the news since September 2020.
Imagine you are to investigate your chosen political issue, debate, phenomena or event in more depth using primary research. Drawing especially on what you have learned in Section Three of the module, please outline how you would design the research. This must include a purpose statement, a research question and/or hypothesis, an overview of the design approach and justification of the method(s) you would use as well as any anticipated ethical considerations.
*************************************************************************************** Must Show:
A critical understanding of why the core of Political Science is contested and why the discipline is characterised by diversity and pluralism;
Display a familiarity with a range of contemporary approaches to political analysis and the study of the state;
Utilise particular theories and concepts in the analysis of substantive political issues.
Section 1:
Section 1 covers the foundations of political analysis

What is politics and is the study of it scientific?
The role (s) of human nature in political analysis
Key concepts in explaining political change

Section 2:
Section 2 covers key sites of, or key issues in, politics
The state
The public sphere
The media
Citizenship & Identity
Section 3
Section 3 focuses on methods and research design
The Reading List:
Section 1:
Week 1; What is politics, and is the study of it scientific?
Why we hate politics – Book / by Colin Hay / 2007

The philosophy and methods of political science – Book by Keith M. Dowding / 2016; ©2016


Week 2; The Possible Roles of Human Nature in political change :
The British Underclass in The Public Interest – Article by Charles Murray / 1990


Week 3; Key Concepts to analyse political change:
Nobody to shoot? Power, structure, and agency: A dialogue in Journal of Power / Article / by Clarissa Hayward; Steven Lukes / 04/2008


Section 2

Week 4; The State:

Who rules America? : the triumph of the corporate rich /Book  / by G. William Domhoff /2014

Week 5; The public sphere:

The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964) in New German Critique /Article / by Jurgen Habermas; Sara Lennox; Frank Lennox /1974

Week 7; The Media:

Populism, the media, and the mainstreaming of the far right: ’s coverage of populism as a case study in Politics / Article / by Katy Brown; Aurelien Mondon / 30/09/2020


Week 8; Identity and Citizenship:

Identity: sociological perspectives / Book / by Steph Lawler / 2014


Section 3

Week 9; Formulating the research problem:

Political research: methods and practical skills / Book / by Sandra Halperin; Oliver Heath / 2017

Week 10; Quantitative Research Designs

Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches / Book  / by John W. Creswell; J. David Creswell / 2017


Week 11; Qualitative, Mixed Research Designs and Comparative Methods:

Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches /Book / by John W. Creswell; J. David Creswell / 2017


Advice for Question 1 of the Assignment
The purpose of the Question 1 of the Assignment is to demonstrate your ability to use theoretical concepts/frameworks to present a detailed understanding of empirical events. The objective of Question 1 is to present an analysis of a political event, debate, issue or phenomenon that has been in the news since September 2020. In order to present an analysis, you must use the appropriate theoretical concepts/frameworks that have been discussed on the module. An analysis means that you need to present a detailed examination of a specific event, debate, issue or phenomenon.
Question 1 Do’s and Don’ts:
Do use a specific strand of theory (neo-pluralism, liberal feminist state theory, etc.);
Do spend time at the start of your assignment briefly outlining: (i) the empirical topic that you are going to analyse; and (ii) your chosen concept/framework;
Do use this specific strand throughout the rest of the assignment to analyse the event, debate, issue or phenomenon that you have chosen (the theoretical/conceptual and empirical aspects of your answer should be well integrated);
Do be specific in your analysis – go deep with your analysis;
Do demonstrate your knowledge of the literature of your chosen concept/framework (you should reference sources and include a bibliography in the usual manner).
Do not spend time engaging in internal debates about your chosen concept/framework (e.g. do not, tell us why Marxist feminist state theory is better or more appropriate than Liberal feminist state theory);
Do not spend time justifying your chosen concept/framework. Instead you should spend your time (and words) using your concept/framework to analyse the empirical topic – you are being marked on your ability to provide analysis;
Do not spend time critiquing your chosen concept/framework;
Do not tell us simply what the concept/framework ‘would say’, use the concept or framework to analyse your chosen case
Important Notices, Cover Sheet and Submissions
You must download the *Cover Sheet* and use this as the first page of your assignment. You may want to use this from the start or you can paste the whole page into the document afterwards.
Software called Turnitin is used to help detect plagiarism.
Save your document – do not include your name in the file-name or anywhere else in the document.
You need to upload a Word or PDF Document as your main assignment (including the cover sheet page) unless otherwise instructed..
Do not use Google Docs for submitting your assignment as it will not be possible for it to be marked.