Discuss In what ways does the Declaration express universal ideals of human freedom? In what ways does the Declaration contradict itself? How should we make sense of these contradictions?

In what ways does the Declaration express universal ideals of human freedom? In what ways does the Declaration contradict itself? How should we make sense of these contradictions?
CH. 5
1. How did many colonists view their relationship to the British Empire?
2. What were some long-term causes of the American Revolution?
3. What were the short-term causes of the American Revolution?
4. What led to the Stamp Act? Whom did it affect? What were the reactions to it?
5. In what ways were the Townshend Acts more effective at extracting revenue from the colonies? How did people in the colonies resist it?
6. How did the colonies react to the Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts? What did England not anticipate?
7. What were the key battles and developments of the Revolutionary War (e.g., The Battles of New York, Trenton, and Saratoga)?
8. How was war in North America different from war in Europe? What was George Washington’s military strategy? What explains the colonies’ victory over the most powerful military in the world?
9. What were the short-term and long-term effects of the Revolutionary War?
10. How were the state constitutions designed? Why were they designed this way?
11. How was the Articles of Confederation designed? Why was it designed this way? What were the effects of its design?
12. How did society change after the Revolution? What were the effects on African Americans and Native Americans?
CH. 6
13. What were the causes and effects of Shays’ Rebellion?
14. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? Why was it replaced?
15. What was the Great Compromise?
16. What were the three reasons the slave trade (not slavery) was banned in 1808? What were the effects of the ban?
17. Compare and contrast the ideas of Thomas Jefferson with those of Alexander Hamilton? What was their debate about? Who won?
18. Why did Hamilton advocate for a national bank? What did opponents of the bank argue?
19. What were the causes and effects of the Whiskey Rebellion?
20. What were the causes and effects of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
21. What is the significance of the election of 1800?
22. What was Marbury v. Madison (1803) about? What was the case’s significance?
CH. 7
23. What was the significance of the Haitian Revolution?
24. How did society’s understanding of race transform in the early 1800s?
25. What were the major events and accomplishments of the Jefferson Administration? How did Jefferson’s Federalist opponents evolve during Jefferson’s time in office?
26. What were the aims of Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa’s movement?
27. What were the major causes and effects of the War of 1812?
CH. 8
28. What were the major features of the market revolution? What was it and what were its major features? When did it occur and when, where, and how did it develop? What were its causes and effects?
29. What was the transportation revolution?
30. How did US society and culture change as a result of the transportation and market revolutions? How did these changes affect farming? How did they affect the cities and workers?
31. What was the Erie Canal? What were its effects?
32. How did communication technologies evolve during this era and what role did they play in the market and transportation revolutions?
33. Why did the country’s geographic center move westward?
34. What was the business corporation?
35. What was the role of slavery in the market revolution?
36. How did slavery change in the north and in the south?
37. What was the role of cotton in the growth of southern slavery?
38. How many slaves were moved from Upper South tobacco regions to Lower South cotton regions between 1790 and 1860?
39. How did work change in the 19th century (for example, in the Lowell System)?
40. How did changes to work affect relations between the sexes? How did these changes correspond to class?
41. How did the relationship between education and work change during this era?