Elaborate what went wrong with the fifty-three slash F job?What were the problems with the sub-Text’s planning and control?



The aim of the assignment is to show your understanding of a number of the key ideas and concepts covered in the module and your ability to apply those concepts in a meaningful way. All work must be adequately supported by academic/published material and correctly attributed to the source using the Harvard system. The assignment will involve a combination of analysis and interpretation. Analysis the following two case studies: case study 1 is worth 60 marks, and maximum words 1300 for case study 1 excluding references; case study 2 is worth 40 marks, and maximum words 900 for case study 2 excluding references.

Case study 1: Subtext Studios Singapore (60 marks)

The case study can be accessed from the core book titled Operations Management, Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, L., and Johnson, R. (2019), Pearson, 9e, pp.349-351 (e-version is available from the Library)

Discuss the following:

• Elaborate what went wrong with the fifty-three slash F job? (20 marks)

• What were the problems with the sub-Text’s planning and control? (20


• What would you suggest that sub-Text do to avoid making the same

mistakes again and to tighten up it’s planning and control procedures? (20 marks)

Case study 2: Design house partnerships at Concept Design Services (40 marks)

The case study can be accessed from the core book titled Operations Management, Slack, N., Brandon-Jones, L., and Johnson, R. (2019), Pearson, 9e, pp.32-34 (e-version is available from the Library)

Discuss the following:

• Why is operations management so important in this company?

• What challenges or problems faced by the company?

• What would you recommend to the company if it asked you to advise it in

improving its operations?

Answer the following questions. I have also sent you powerpoints which will help in this essay.