Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

6.1 Describe the individual’s responsibilities for creating and maintaining working relationships and explain why it is important to do so.

7.1 Describe different problems that can affect relationships, and the actions that can be taken to deal with specific difficulties.

8.1 Explain the individual’s responsibilities and the responsibilities of others within the work location.

8.2 Describe the lines of communication that exist within the individual’s working environment and explain the agreed procedure for passing information.

Unit No 02 Work safely and minimise risk in steel erection.

Unit ref. K/602/6332***** MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 2)

1.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.

1.2 Explain the consequences for employers and employees of not fulfilling their legal health and safety responsibilities.

1.3 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

1.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

2.1 Describe how to recognise health safety training needs, the procedure for requesting training and who to ask for help in understanding the work instructions.

2.2 Describe how to get information relating to the safe use of equipment and how to ensure the equipment is used safely.

2.3 Describe how to recognise when personal protective equipment should be used and how to select and use the correct equipment for the work to be undertaken.

2.4 Describe different types of vibration injuries and explain how they can be prevented.

2.5 Explain the importance of personal behaviour in maintaining workplace standards.

2.6 Describe the checks which are needed to make sure that portable electrical appliances are safe to use.

2.7 Describe what a safe system for electrical isolation should include and why low voltage is generally safer in relation to health and safety.

2.8 Describe the risks from over head cables and how to control them.

2.9 Describe what must be done when carrying hazardous substances in vehicles.

3.0 Describe where asbestos is likely to be found, what should be done if it is thought to have been found and how it is a risk to health.

3.1 Explain who is responsible for ensuring that equipment is checked and safe to use.

3.2 Describe who is responsible and who must assess the health and safety of people working on a client’s site.

3.3 Describe the legal rights and responsibilities of the appointed safety representatives and the powers of the regulatory inspectors.

4.1 Describe the first aid procedures that typically apply in the workplace.

4.2 Describe the aspects of first aid in the workplace that all personnel are expected to know.

5.1 Describe how to work safely in an excavation.

5.2 Explain procedures for shutdown and evacuation and state where procedures can be obtained..

6.1 Describe the contingency reporting documentation and systems that are relevant to workplace activities.

7.1 Explain how to comply with the various reporting lines and procedures that apply in the working environment.

Unit No 03 Identify and deal with hazards and emergencies in steel erection.

Unit ref. M/602/6333***** MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 3)

1.1 Identify different hazardous processes, tools, equipment and materials which exist in the work environment.

1.2 Identify hazardous industrial processes associated with particular working environments.

2.1 Safely check for potential hazards in accordance with agreed and approved procedures.

2.2 Identify potential hazards in the workplace and report in accordance with approved procedures.

2.3 Minimise potential hazards using the criteria and procedures specified in the risk control strategy.

4.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.

4.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

4.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

5.1 State where information on hazard spotting and safety assessment methods and techniques can be found.

5.2 Describe the hazard spotting and safety assessment methods and techniques, which apply in the work location.

6.1 Describe common types of hazard associated with processes, tools, equipment and materials.

6.2 State what the individuals’ responsibilities are in terms of dealing with and notifying others of hazards.

7.1 Describe the effects of hazards on persons, property and the environment.

8.1 Describe the types of actions required to deal with and minimise the risks from different hazards.

Unit No 4 Prepare structural leads for moving and installing

Unit ref. M/616/4308***** MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 3 )

5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.

5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

Answered previously Unit 3 4.2

5.3 Describe the hazards and risks that can arise in structural load moving and installing activities.

5.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures.
Answered previously Unit 3 4.3
6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment preparation and restoration requirements and methods

6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing or restoring the work areas, material and equipment.

6.3 Describe the types of equipment used for moving and installing structural loads and explain the care and control procedures.

7.1 Explain lifting, moving and handling equipment methods and techniques.

7.2 Explain methods and techniques used to determine the weight of structural loads.

7.3 Explain slinging and lifting methods and techniques

7.4 Describe route planning methods and techniques.

7.5 Explain reporting documentation and control procedures

Unit No 5 Move structural steel sections

Unit ref. T/616/4309 ***** MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 3)

5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.
Answered previously Unit 4 5.1
5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.
Answered previously Unit 3 4.2
5.4 Describe reporting lines and procedures.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment preparation and restoration requirements and methods.

6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing or restoring the work areas, material and equipment.

6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction elements used and explain the care and control procedures.

6.4 Describe types of lifting equipment in relation to structural steel sections.

6.5 Describe lifting gear capabilities.

6.6 Describe types of defects and faults and discard criteria for lifting equipment

6.7 Describe coding and identification systems for lifting equipment.

6.8 Explain material handling techniques and preparation methods.

7.1 Describe how to interpret the instructions for the movement of structural steel sections

7.2 Describe relevant personnel involved with the activity and methods used for signalling and communication.

7.3 Describe methods for slinging in relation to safe working loads and angles of lift.

7.4 Describe procedures and practices for slinging and signalling for the movement of structural steel sections.

Unit No 6 Install structural steelwork components

Unit ref. A/602/6335 *****MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 2)

5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.
Answered previously Unit 4 5.1
5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes
Answered previously Unit 3 4.2
5.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.
Answered previously Unit 3 4.3
6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment preparation and restoration requirements and methods.
Answered previously Unit 4 6.1
6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing or restoring the work areas, material and equipment.
Answered previously
Unit 4 6.2

6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction elements used and explain the care and control procedures.

6.4 Explain material handling techniques and preparation methods.
Answered previously
Unit 4 6.8

7.1 Describe construction component installation methods and techniques.

7.2 Explain methods of providing temporary support during installation.

7.3 Explain the tools and methods used for checking.

Unit No 7 Work safely at height on steel structures

Unit ref. J/602/6337 ***** MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 2)

5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.
Answered previously Unit 2 1.1
5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

Answered previously Unit 2 1.3

5.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.
Answered previously Unit 2 1.4
6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment preparation and restoration requirements and methods.

6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing or restoring the work areas, material and equipment.

Answered previously Unit 4 6.2

6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction element, materials and consumables used and explain the care and control procedures.

6.4 Explain material handling techniques and preparation methods.

7.1 Describe access and egress requirements for working at height.

7.2 Describe how to select and use types of fall arrest equipment.

Unit No 8 Assemble bolted joints in structural steelwork

Unit ref. L/602/6338***** MANDATORY UNIT ***** (QCF Level 2)

1.1 Identify a range of hazards.

5.1 Explain the requirements of health and safety legislation.
Answered previously Unit 2 1.1
5.2 Explain the purpose and nature of risk assessments, method statements, and permit to work systems, and the relevance of local procedures and guidance notes.

Answered previously Unit 2 1.3
5.3 Describe reporting lines and procedures.
Answered previously Unit 2 1.4

5.4 Describe the hazards and risks associated with the use of powered access equipment.

6.1 Describe work area, material and equipment preparation and restoration requirements and methods.

6.2 Explain the consequences of incorrectly preparing or restoring the work areas, material and equipment.

Answered previously
Unit 4 6.2

6.3 Describe the types of equipment, construction element, materials and consumables used and explain the care and control procedures.

Answered previously Unit 4 6.3
6.4 Describe the conditions for positioning, setting up and using selected power access equipment.

6.5 Explain material handling techniques and preparation methods.

7.1 Explain the principles, uses and conventions of engineering drawings, and related specifications.

7.2 Describe assembly methods and techniques..

7.3 Describe how to identify defects in products and assets.

7.4 Describe compliance checking methods and techniques.

7.5 Describe quality control procedures and recognition of assembly defects.