Identify a crime problem that requires ‘urgent’ attention. Provide a summary and description of the problem and justification for why the problem is urgent.

Using data obtained from the Queensland Police Service Statistical Review, identify a crime problem that requires ‘urgent’ attention. Provide a summary and description of the problem and justification for why the problem is urgent. The Queensland Police Service Statistical Review can be found at:

Section 2.
Identify the operational police strategy (a maximum of two (2) police strategies that have been discussed in this course may be chosen). Using empirical literature define the operational police strategies and apply the operational police strategies chosen to the specific crime and disorder problem. Your report should include: clear identification and discussion of the steps involved in applying the operational police strategy to the specific crime and disorder problem chosen; use of evidence sourced from empirical literature to critique the validity and usefulness of applying the chosen operational police strategy to the specific crime and disorder problem; an empirically justified critique of the likelihood of its effectiveness in reducing the crime and disorder problem being addressed.

Pick something that you are interested in learning more about
Identify & define your crime/disorder problem
Use statistical data to discuss ‘urgency’ of crime/disorder problem (supplement with other sources – e.g. discuss the harm caused by the problem)

Describe the characteristics of your crime/disorder problem:
Type of offenders;
Types of victims of crime;
Types of places;
Offender/victim relationships (if relevant)

Identify relevant research that links the crime/disorder problem to a policing strategy
Often one police strategy is unable to fully address a particular crime and disorder problem (so you can use 2 maximum)
Example strategies to choose from:
Rapid response policing;
Patrolling (random patrol)
Hot spots policing (including directed patrol)
Third Party policing
Community policing is an overarching strategy (you will need to identify specific types of operational strategies within community policing, i.e. foot patrol, community meetings, and so on)
Problem-oriented policing is a framework – it is a stepped process of implementing an approach to crime/disorder problems. Application of POP requires a supporting strategy – particularly, in the response phase.
Consider the unit of analysis – i.e. hot spots policing is applied to small/micro places

The assignment is about applying a policing strategy to a crime/disorder problem
Justify (using empirical literature findings, i.e. studies that have tested the effectiveness of the strategy you have chosen in respect to the crime problem you have chosen) your choice of strategy

Explain why the police strategy is will be effective in reducing the problem
Do NOT simply take a policing program (i.e. use one single report that described the application of POP to a crime problem) and review their findings
Use a range of literature sources(15 to 20) and develop the policing strategy for the specific community and crime problem that you are addressing as a sergeant in a suburban police station