Identify, with justification, an existing product or service that you think could benefit from the adoption of a new supply chain technology.

This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes for the module
1. Critically understand the principles of various technologies in logistics and supply chain operations.
2. Critically evaluate technical and managerial issues related to the application of supply chain technologies.
3. Analyse potential challenges in adopting particular technology in the supply chain.
4. Critically evaluate the complex supply chain issues in implementing technologies in practices
The transformative potential of Emerging Supply Chain Technology
Your task is to critically evaluate the technical and managerial impact of adopting a new supply chain technology into an existing product or service supply chain.
To achieve this, you are required to
Identify, with justification, an existing product or service that you think could benefit from the adoption of a new supply chain technology. (LO1)
Briefly consider 3 emerging supply chain technologies that this product or service could adopt and analyse the relative benefits and weaknesses of adopting each of these technologies. (LO3)
Select with justification one of the technologies for implementation into your chosen supply chain. (LO4)
Provide an evaluation of the practical impact of adopting your chosen technology from both a managerial and technical perspective. (LO2)
Identification of existing product/service [20% of overall mark]
• A statement of who the customer is and a clear identification of their requirements.
• A description of the product/service specification, identifying the characteristics it must have to satisfy the customers’ requirements.
• A supply chain map depicting the current supply chain and its underlying technology for the chosen product/service.
Consideration of 3 emerging supply chain technologies [25% of overall mark]
• Identify the characteristics and/or elements of the supply chain that indicate limitations with the technology currently in use.
• Ascertain how, and to what extent each of the chosen emerging technologies meet the product/service specification of the chosen supply chain.
• Provide a clear analysis of the challenges that could be faced when implementing each technology into the supply chain.
Selection of chosen technology for implementation [20% of overall mark]
• Justify why the chosen technology best matches with the product/service specification needs for the chosen supply chain
• Provide a new supply chain map depicting the supply chain once the new technology is integrated into it
Evaluation of impacts from a technical and managerial aspect [30% of overall mark]
• A comparison of the two versions of the supply chain identifying
o New nodes of activity created (and whether they create value or not)
o Activities that are no longer required
• A conclusion examining the technical and managerial consequences of the introduction of the new technology to the product/service, the
customer, and the supply chain.