What form(s) from the text might you utilize in your work with Susan as a therapeutic intervention? How might her responses be used to initiate change?Discuss

Applied Research Case Analysis I

This assignment focuses on case analysis and direct application of course concepts to the persons and situations presented in each case vignette.   All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical considerations, as well as issues of culture and diversity that may pertain to the situations presented below. Cultural can be found in the DSM-5. Outside research in culture is encouraged.

Use the reading assignments thoroughly in an integrative discussion that illustrates your ability to apply research in clinical case analysis. You are also required to use evidence-based research taken from current on-line or hard copy journals to enhance the course text material. A minimum of 4 evidence-based research articles are required.  Remember to cite and reference all work in APA format.

Please keep your responses focused on what is presented in the case vignette. Do not add information but use your creativity to support what you see in the vignette as written.  Avoid elaborations and assumptions. This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English.

Your discussion should be approx. approx 4 pages per case vignette.
Entire assignment should be approx 8 pages plus a title and reference page

Case One

Susan is a 32-year-old Japanese American woman who enters treatment for what she calls “anxiety attacks”.  She tells you that, “What if I have one of those awful attacks when I am at the store. What if it happens at a restaurant? Oh my gosh, what if I faint at my daughter’s school. I know I will just die of embarrassment”.  She describes a recent incident in the grocery store where she was standing in line and became sweaty, nervous, and dizzy. She just knew that “everyone was staring at me and I had to drop my groceries and run. Now I can never go back to that store. I just know it will happen again and that they’ll dial 911. I can just order groceries online and avoid the whole issue.”  She tells you that “no one seems to understand how I feel. Not my husband or even my medical doctor. I asked my doctor to give me medication to help me cope, but he sent me to you instead. He tells me it’s all in my head and that there is nothing wrong with me. My husband tells me the same thing.  I feel so hopeless and alone.

Using the text information from Chapters 1 through 7:
In consideration of the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety, how might you assess Susan?

What would you target in treatment?

What form(s) from the text might you utilize in your work with Susan as a therapeutic intervention?

How might her responses be used to initiate change?

Initiate Change:

Case Two

Joseph is a 48-year-old Latino male who comes into therapy at the suggestion of his wife.  He tells you, “I can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning and I don’t see why I should have to”.  Joseph has just been laid off from his job of 25 years as an architect.  He hurt his back during a fishing trip, and, as a result, had missed a significant amount of work. He tells you, “in spite of my excruciating pain, I showed up to work daily and they kept sending me home. They were afraid I would re-injure myself.  I didn’t take pain medication because I wanted to work. Then they made up some excuse that my job was phased out and let me go”. During the assessment, you learn that his children are grown up and on their own. He has stopped attending weekly family functions and stopped going to church.  Joseph reports, “I wish I could just go to sleep and not wake up.  My kids are gone; my wife has a great career, lots of friends, and what do I have-nothing! Why bother. I can’t do the things I loved to do with friends and family because of my messed up back.”  During your interview with Joseph, he denies suicidal ideation due to his religious beliefs, but admits that he has been depressed in the past.  Joseph is resistant to therapy, because he feels that “no one can help me and I’ll never be happy again. I’m only here because my wife cries daily with worry about me.”

Using the text information from Chapters 1 through 7:
In consideration of the diagnosis and treatment of depression, how might you assess Joseph?

What would you target in treatment?

What form(s) from the text might you utilize in your work with Joseph as a therapeutic intervention?

How might his responses be used to initiate change?