What is the impact of government interventions (2010-2020) in addressing obesity among adults age 18-75 in London?Discuss


What is the impact of government interventions (2010-2020) in addressing obesity among adults age 18-75 in London?


1. Objective 1: To determine the prevalence of obesity among adults in London

2. Objective 2: To identify the risk factors of obesity among adults in London

3. Objective 3: To analyse the implication of Health & Socioeconomic on adults’ obesity in London

4. To analyse the impact of government Strategies (2010 -2020) in addressing obesity

please check all the files i sent you.

the point you must be aware try to use current infromtion

you must talk about the literature search inclusion and exclusion very imporant

ethical consideration literature reviewer identity as outlined by Onwuegbuzie & Frels 7 step literture

At least 2 areas of ethical tensions/ conflicts arising from the government interventions (this is based on the policies/strategies you identified) very important must use Themes and reference from Beauchamp and Childress the Four Principles.

you can keep the rational short as i have the start that already. but try to keep the compares of England and London on obesity of adult and loo at poverty and ethic background

one very important thing please use souces I can access if you using book please put the page number on the citration as well as the references. tyhank you