Describe which of Erikson’s stages of development you are currentlyin and how you are currently managing the conflict. Humanistic/Positive.

Choose a Freudian or neo-Freudian theory from Modules Two or Three, and write about how the theoretical approach and key concepts of the theory apply to your personality.

Choose one theory from the humanistic or positive theories discussed in Module Four and describe how the theoretical approach and key concepts of the theory help explain your personality.

Use the Big Five trait theory from Module Five and write about how well the trait theory’s theoretical approach and key concepts describe your personality. You should have already taken the Big Five personality test in Module Five. If not, access the Big Five Project Personality Test now to take it.

Conclude the paper by discussing the importance of using multiple theoretical approaches to understand personality. Here are some possible ways you could apply the various theories: Freudian/Neo-Freudian

Discuss Freud’s psychosexual stages of development and describe any fixations that you may have.

Describe which of Erikson’s stages of development you are currently in and how you are currently managing the conflict. Humanistic/Positive

Apply Kelly’s idea of personal constructs to your personality.

Describe how well you are currently meeting the fundamental needs outlined in self-determination theory and how these needs influence your personality.

Big Five

Describe your standing on the Big Five and how well the theory helps explain your personality.