Discuss How the nurses mentioned in different parts of the article, exemplify a global nurse leader (whether formally or on the front-line), through their actions to help combat: One of the Global Health Issues (GHIs) listed in the article: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Human Trafficking, or Maternal Newborn Health

As you read the article below, focus on the section entitled “Call to Action for Nurses as Global Leaders” and discuss:
How the nurses mentioned in different parts of the article, exemplify a global nurse leader (whether formally or on the front-line), through their actions to help combat:
One of the Global Health Issues (GHIs) listed in the article: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Human Trafficking, or Maternal Newborn Health
One of the Contributing Factors mentioned in the article: Health inequities or Mal-distribution of health workers
Also, please discuss how the nurses in the article posses or should possess some of the attributes listed in Box 5.1 “Evolutionary Leadership Assumptions”, listed on page 111 of the Rosa text.