What key management theories underpin its existence, what is it trying to achieve?Explain


The Format

A Power-point presentation – 10 slides maximum in total; each slide will be supported by a written commentary in the notes section of the PPT slides, to take the reader through the content and justification of each of the slides. Total word limit of the task notes section is 1000 words.

For your presentation, you will need to choose and critically analyse ONE policy (topic) area within your workplace or negotiated ‘live brief’. You will develop an appreciation of the range of subject areas and potential research areas during the initial Work Based Learning lectures. You will be asked to consider your ideas during this time, and you will have the opportunity to discuss your thoughts with your tutor. Initially, in selecting your policy/topic area consider:

• What management topics interest me?

• What would I like to investigate?

• Is there a problem?

• Is the chosen policy/topic substantial enough for research?

• What am I trying to find out, investigate or prove?

The Presentation

Your presentation should include the following sections:

1. Background/context – a brief introduction of the organisation/sector and local area of study in which your project investigation will take place.

2. Policy Research – an overview of the policy and topic area that you wish to address in your research project and the key relevant theories, models and concepts that underpin your chosen policy/topic. Including the legislative and business rationale underpinning that policy or procedure. To research the policy/topic you choose, think:

• Why and how does it exist – legislative timeline? How did it evolve?

• What are its origins/drivers?

• What key management theories underpin its existence, what is it trying to achieve? Consider the management theories from modules e.g. Understanding & Managing People, Managing Effective Organisations

• Does a professional body have a code of conduct or model that underpins it? What are their views on the policy/topic

3. Objectives – Specific objectives of your project. (Maximum 5), see example provided in lecture

4. Methodology – Outline the research methodology you will use to carry out the project detailing your primary and secondary research.

5. Problem Identification/conclusions – Identification of any gaps, breaches, constraints or areas that you assume require addressing between your chosen policy, procedures and actual work place best practice. These could relate to the policy content or its implementation.

The presentation and research phase of the work related project is fundamental to delivering a successful report (Assignment 2). This assessment task is aimed at ensuring that appropriate initial research has been planned and commenced to sufficiently enable you to prepare a successful project report (Assignment 2). The tutor will provide feedback relating to the relevance and quality of the research undertaken and, if necessary make suggestions for additional work to be undertaken to enhance the overall quality of the project. This will occur in your tutorials.