Critically evaluate the argument that the management of culture and space determines organizational behaviour.

1. Critically evaluate the argument that the management of culture and space determines organizational behaviour.
2. How relevant is the concept of ‘structured antagonism’ to understanding organizational behaviour in today’s digital age.
Essays should be 3,000 words in length (+/- up to 10% will not be penalized), excluding references. Both assignments must be word-processed and written in an appropriate academic style. All coursework will be processed using plagiarism detection software. Both assignments must include a list of ‘References’ cited in the piece of work – NOT a Bibliography. References must include a full list of all articles, books and other sources that have been cited in the assignment. This must be written in Harvard style. In the main body of the assignment, page numbers must be included for ALL direct quotations, using Harvard style (e.g. Opie & Roberts, 2017: 116). All answers should make reference to a range of well-chosen organizational examples and to relevant concepts and theoretical ideas in order to make connections between the changing contexts and forms of organizational behaviour. All answers should aim to:
• Be well structured, with a clear introduction and conclusion.
• Make good use of relevant academic source material.
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key conceptual and theoretical ideas.
• Engage with relevant academic debates and different perspectives. • Be referenced clearly, accurately and consistently, using Harvard style referencing.
4 • Be original work, and achieve a mark below the expected threshold when checked.
• Include a range of well-chosen examples to illustrate key points.
• NOT cite websites (apart from academic journal articles or news items accessed online, or organizational websites as illustrative examples).