Discuss how each of these texts could be explored in the classroom through a content area literacy lens.Choose whichever content area you find best suits you.


Assignment Name: Choosing Alternative Texts

U.S. Writer REQUIRED with three references from uploaded document(s) and included/external website(s)

Instruction: From the point of view as if you’re a 45 year old male 10th grade History teacher in the U.S. complete the following:

Assignment Name: Choosing Alternative Texts


(Create a LESSON ACTIVITY IN A SEPARATE PAGE FROM THE ESSAY-2 pages for the essay and 1 page for the lesson activity described in BULLET POINT 2 BELOW)

Sometimes teachers must make instructional decisions to meet students where they are. One way to connect with struggling readers is to introduce alternative texts to increase interest and help them connect with the text. Choose one text from each grade level band elementary (K-5), middle (6-8), and high school (9-12) to examine. Download and review one of three recommended lists of supplemental materials. Make sure this paper includes the instructions from instructions in bullet points 1,2, and 3 below.

The Orbis Pictus award is given each year for outstanding work in nonfiction. Website Link:

The International Reading Association also publishes two annual lists: top choice for Young Adults’ Choices (grades 7-12) determined by student participants and Teachers’ Choices (grades K-8) determined by educators. Website Links:

1. In one to two double-spaced typed pages, discuss how each of these texts could be explored in the classroom through a content area literacy lens (30 points). Choose whichever content area you find best suits you.

2. Next, create a lesson activity IN A SEPARATE PAGE FROM THE ESSAY (it does not need to be an entire lesson plan) for one of the texts (30 points)

3. Choose a specific instructional strategy to include in the lesson such as vocabulary in context, listening comprehension, annotating, read aloud, think aloud, discussion based questioning, etc. and explain how it is used to foster literacy and learning (25 points)




Brann, A.; Zorfass, J.; & PowerUp WHAT WORKS. (n.d.). Supporting reading in social studies.

Kingston, S. (2018). Project Based Learning & student achievement: What does the research tell us? PBL Evidence Matters. 1(1), 1-11.

Rasinski, T. V. (2017). Readers who struggle: Why many struggle and a modest proposal for improving their reading. Reading Teacher, 70(5), 519–524.

Resources/References Continued:

Lattimer, H. (2010). Reading for learning: Using discipline-based texts to build content knowledge.  Ming, K. (2012). 10 Content-Area Literacy Strategies for Art, Mathematics, Music, and Physical Education.” Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 85(6), 213–220.

Another Content Literacy Websie to use within assignment and reference:

Write a 2-3 double-spaced page Word document. Cite and reference the literature to make your points. Follow current APA style.