Discuss what challenges have you encountered and how have these been resolved? If they remain unresolved, why?


Each meetings diary should be 500 word max.

Each diary should include:

• A summary of the meeting

• Points of discussion (e.g., topic, structure, academic literature, methodology, research ethics);

-a summary of discussion including questions you have asked and answers received;

-any tasks, deadlines, or action points you and your supervisor have agreed on;

-reflections on your progress (e.g., what challenges have you encountered and how have these been resolved? If they remain unresolved, why? What is it about the dissertation research process that has turned out as you expected? What has proved to be different from what you expected? What has changed about your understanding of scholarly research, and what has not? What new skills or ideas are you learning? How confident (or not) do you feel about the quality of your draft dissertation?

There are 3 meetings so there should be 3 research diary I’ve uploaded details of the meetings and the notes I’ve taken they just need to be 500 word diaries each so in total 1500