Distinguish between the linear, influencer and interactional models of communications.Explain the process of adoption and diffusion of an innovation in relation to the concepts of opinion followers and word of mouth communications.


Communications and Digital Marketing

You are provided with 3 questions out of which you are required to answer Three questions only in essay format. Each question has equal weighting. Word count per each essay question 1500 + 10%.

You need to support your answers to each chosen question with appropriate credible referenced sources. Your answers to each question should be followed by a reference list cited in the essay.

Question 1

Distinguish between the linear, influencer and interactional models of communications (50 marks). Explain the process of adoption and diffusion of an innovation in relation to the concepts of opinion followers and word of mouth communications (50 marks).

Support your answers to Q2 with recent views from scholars and with appropriate examples.

Total Marks 100

Question 2

Discuss the role of public relations in crisis management (60 marks). Support your answers with appropriate models of crisis management and examples (40 marks).

Total Marks 100

Question 3

Define and explain the concept of brand activation and briefly outline the different approaches to brand activation (50 marks). Explain and discuss why brand activation is increasingly becoming important for marketers (50 marks). Support your discussion with relevant literature and contemporary examples.

Total Marks 100